The images and chatter on social media, television, radio and words in blogs and editorials seem like continual static to me. Or like a screech of a car jamming on brakes to avoid a crash. Or for those old enough to remember, the chalk screeching across the blackboard. Words instilling fear like “they” are all after “us”. Be afraid. Be on guard. Protect yourself.
It’s disconcerting, these attitudes and platitudes that permeate our days. 24 hours news, sometimes repeating and repeating the same thing. Are you, like me, tired of seeing the words “Breaking News” for just about everything?
What the world needs is a time out. A moment to take a deep breath. A moment to just be and not judge, others or ourselves.
We need the spirit and energy of Tai Chi more than ever right now – calmness, gently moving energy, focusing only on the moment. Tai Chi can help us reduce and manage anxiety, uncertainty, sooth aches and pains, feel grateful.
It all starts with us as individuals, one person at a time. I wish for each of us some moments of silence, and to feel the centering energy of Tai Chi, QiGong, yoga, meditation. It seems this energy will help bring help bring people together rather than the energy of fear and violence.
So very true. Fear is such a polarizing thing. Thank you, for your thoughts, Arlene!
Thank you, Arlene! I love this message and will put it into practice for myself starting today.