Do you have certain words and phrases you really like? I do. I like saying “Autumnal Equinox.” Plus, I like what it signals, equal hours of light and darkness, a very balanced time. It happens twice a year, and this is the time we are moving into more hours of darkness in our days, into fall and then winter. I used to dislike the darkness, even dread it at times. Since I have been involved with Tai Chi, I have learned to appreciate the dark and even embrace it at times. We need a more Yin time of year to reflect, to slow down (which is hard), and to enjoy watching nature change colors as leaves turn orange, yellow and red.
My experience of dark into light as the sun comes up was heightened recently at Ghost Ranch in New Mexico. Millions of stars faded from sight as the sun peaked up behind the mountain. Doing Tai Chi at that very moment was special as the changing energy started the day. The same was true as sunset neared and the light disappeared into night. All those stars, that were there all along, greeted us in the vivid night sky with clear air abounding. I loved the Skview: Exploring the Universe App. As I pointed my phone up toward the sky, the constellations were outlined and named as well as the Milky Way. Saturn, Jupiter, Venus and Mars were visible to the naked eye. It was magical.
Nature’s balance of light that the equinox signifies was enhanced through Tai Chi on the mountain being in the moment, in tune with nature. That is the essence of Tai Chi — a moving meditation seeking balance within and with all nature that surrounds us.
How can this time of equinox, with changing seasons and more darkness enhance your days?
Great reflection. Felt like I relived it.