Really? What a surprise I had on a couple fronts — receiving nice recognition for my blog and almost completely missing the news.
The heading in the email I received said “Faulk TaiChi Blog in FeedSpot Top 25 Tai Chi Blogs”. I glanced at it, did not know the sender and questioned its validity. My skepticism was heightened because I was only days away from having been hacked, big time. My computer consultant, Bryan, worked many hours to identify the problem, eliminate it, save data, clear all software off my computer and then re-install everything. He worked tirelessly for hours; we worked together for countless hours. Finally fixed. But I received a couple strange phone calls, had a bot still trying to invade my computer. . . yes, I was skeptical and cautious. I wasn’t opening anything emails from strangers.
And then, I received a wonderful email and Facebook post from a fellow Tai Chi teacher and colleague, Chris Cinnamon, congratulating me. He was recognizing my blog and the dissemination of the good news of Tai Chi into the community. I was surprised. What is this? was my first reaction. Then. . . I remembered an email I passed over. I greatly respect Chris, so this must be real, I thought.
I am pleased and humbled. Tai Chi has transformed my life, helped bring health and vitality to my life that I could not have imagined. Every time I teach a class and every time I write a blog, I feel grateful to share information on the impact Tai Chi can have in daily life. An impact and benefit, even for people who are not personally involved in Tai Chi.
My blog writing, which I keep short because I don’t like to read long blogs, has been part of my Tai Chi experience for five plus years. To be found on the internet by Feedspot, who combs through thousands of blogs, is gratifying. And to be named #4 in the their top 25 Tai Chi blogs, feels special.
My hope is not in the number, not in the award. My hope is that my current and future readers will enjoy my blogs going forward. I hope to reach many more potential readers, because I know anyone reading about my experience and my students’ experiences will benefit. And who knows, maybe another life might be transformed.
Huge congratulations, Arlene! 📝🎉👏
Such a wonderful award. Congratulations 🎉🤗
Congratulations Arlene. You are such an inspiration to me on living life fully. I’m so glad you have been recognized with this award.
We’ll done, we’ll deserved.
Congratulations to an excellent teacher in both deed and word.
Congratulations …. this is awesome.
Keep up the good work..
Sincerely yours,
Douwe Geluk, from Tai Chi Apeldoorn in the Netherlands