In answering computer security questions, I often list my favorite summer physical activity as “walking”. I think that’s probably a common answer. Many of us walk every day and in the city it is my most used form of transportation, getting from one place to another. Plus, walking doesn’t require any special equipment, a bat or ball, a boat or an airplane ticket. Weather is nice. We go out for a walk. Some of us even track how many steps we go each day. It becomes a competitive activity, with ourselves.
This afternoon as I walked seven blocks to teach my Tai Chi class, I became very aware of my walking, each step along the way. It slowed me down. I became aware of my weight shifting, picking up each leg to take another step forward. I was filled with gratitude, to have the capacity and ability to walk.
I do not take that for granted, because I have completely lost my ability to walk, lost the ability to take a step forward. Many years ago I had to basically start over, learn to walk again with the Tai Chi walk, placing my hand against a wall to stabilize me. I teach that walk each week in class, knowing the principles within can improve each person’s walking, regardless of his or her starting point.
Yes, I am grateful to be able to walk. I hope you, too, will take a moment to reflect and be grateful for walking. Think about that as you head down the street tomorrow, walk to your car, get on a bus or climb a step. We should never take it for granted.
Thank you for this reminder. May we all continue to walk as much and as frequently as possible!
There was a time after a bicycle accident that I was afraid I would never again walk freely, so I am very grateful for every step, and appreciate our step learning in class.
Definitely something to cherish and be aware of- the ability to move and walk.
Grateful I found Arlene’s (and Mary’s) Tai
Chi classes.