New beginnings. That’s where we are, early days of a new year. Some new expectations for ourselves.
My word for this year is “rooted” and I already put it to good practical use. It’s been cold here in Chicago, single digit temperatures for many days. Patches of ice don curbs and sidewalks, sometimes visible. Sometimes not. I was stepping up on a curb and yes, I saw the ice, shiny like in an ice rink. As I lifted my foot and then started to step down, I put my toe down first. “No, don’t do that,” the voice inside my head echoed. I quickly picked that foot back up and then set it down, heel first. Heel is more stable. I consciously shifted my weight to that foot and leg, then got up on the curb safely. Heel first, then foot. Shift weight to that foot. How many times I say that as we practice our walking in Tai Chi class. And recently, I told my students that we are in training for winter snow and ice. We are practicing our walking, stepping up on curbs, getting rooted, staying upright.
Committing to a word is causing a mental shift, a shift from an abstract concept to actual reality. Now that I have an actual example for myself, using my word in an actual daily activity, it is even more in my consciousness. I chose one word, so I would, at a minimum remember it, and secondly, one word seems more manageable to live out somehow. I am curious and excited to see how focusing on that word will manifest in my life. I already have my first concrete experience with it and am excited to see what else is up ahead.
As I wrote last blog, “A Word for the New Year” and asked what your word is, I got four responses — watch, consistent, kindness, accepting. Wonderful words to manifest during the year. I will look forward to hearing how these words manifest themselves in daily activities. I have received many comments in person about how helpful this exercise and individual sharing is. So, I want to keep this going this week and I hope you will take a few minutes to respond.
What is your word that you want to be mindful of and manifest this year?
My chosen word is balance. I often find myself mindlessly trying to create balance around me. When someone speaks loudly to me I respond with a softer voice. When someone speaks quickly I respond slowly. These responses are automatic. But I’d like to mindfully bring balance to more areas of my life. When I find myself feeling anxious I would like to respond with confidence in myself and my decisions. When I feel tired or lazy I would like to respond by increasing my physical activity. I’m sure I’ll come up with more ideas throughout the year to create balance where I haven’t done that. At least I will be mindfully trying.