A big day. This is a huge day. We do not get a day off from school or work. It is not a holiday, but we know what today is. We know this day has arrived. We feel it in our bones. We smile and are encouraged. Why?

It is officially the first day of spring!! The spring equinox. “Equinox” comes from Latin, meaning ‘equality of day and night’. A moment of balance as the sun moves north across the celestial equator. It is special. It happens only twice a year. This is the one we get most excited about because it signals longer minutes and hours of light in our day, more sunshine, more outside and one of my favorites, the green budding of the trees, soon to be lush with leaves and new life.

For me this time, this moment is what Tai Chi is about, moving gracefully and gently to find the moment and moments of balance. Tai Chi relates to and symbolizes this day in nature for me, balancing yin and yang as dark and light are in perfect balance.

Take time this day to pay attention, feel nature doing it’s work to create balance, then flower fully into spring. Look at the sky, the trees, the water, the mountain, all participating in this wonderful moment of equinox.