We need to have something to look forward to. Most of our days include routines like going to work (even if on Zoom), taking kids to school, grocery shopping, paying bills, doing laundry and perhaps caregiving for a relative or friend. Most of our days are ordinary, filled with life tasks that support our well-being, tasks that need to be done.
We need something out of the ordinary to look forward to.
It’s easy to keep doing what we’re doing and we always have tasks to complete. However, for our emotional well-being we need to intentionally plan something out of the ordinary, a family gathering, dinner out, a road trip for the weekend. It’s good for our psyches to get a change of scenery, alter our routines so we don’t live blindly and then one day wonder where all the time went and what we missed.
I remember attending a workshop in the early 1990’s with Deepak Chopra. He stressed that we live today with the dame thoughts we had yesterday and the tomorrow we will re-hash the same thoughts we have today. We get stuck in patterns and ruts that keep us from trying something new, changing habits to improve our health.
In order to have something new to look forward to, we need look at our thoughts and our weekly patterns. Can I plan that trip now that we wanted to take before COVID19 hit? How might I rearrange my schedule so I can sign up for the Spanish class I’ve wanted to take? I’ve inquired about Tai Chi class that my doctor recommended for my balance, but have not committed. What can I do that will help me get to the next step of showing up?
The key is framing our thoughts into “I can”, How might I?” “Who can help me?” “I’ll talk to my friend who always seems to have time to do fun and exciting things”
Take the first step forward. Find a way to reframe your thoughts. to plan something fun and interesting to look forward to.
Thank you for this inspiring reminder! Am working on a get away now. K
Such great advice …one of the keys to building resilience is looking forward !!