We’re in a week of transition surrounded by uncertainty. Our necks tense up and fear may be creeping into our psyches. A few weeks ago I asked my students to reflect on how Tai Chi has been helping them cope with COVID19 and uncertainty that we live with every day. I continue to share their experience with you. Their reflections are inspiring and comforting:
“For me, Tai Chi brings comfort and quiet amidst all the chaos and change.” ~ Becky
“There’s a reassuring continuity and community in Tai Chi. As the movements become more familiar, their ease synchronizes with my breath, and as I follow the lead, I am aware of others who are doing the same. It’s a beautiful, very special time. In just a few months, the practice has become perhaps the most nurturing element in my life during COVID times, when sustaining a commitment to anything else has been challenging.” ~ Barb
May each of us find some quiet and nurturing moments in each day to help cope and stay healthy in this difficult time.