Are you feeling anxiety right now, feeling that “things” are about to get worse? Yes, we know we should count our blessings and look for the positive in our lives, but it’s not always easy. We are constantly reminded of inflation, possible future virus surges, senseless wars, displaced people, which makes our shoulders tense up, our breathing become more shallow. We feel blah, perhaps depressed and move through our days experiencing loneliness. Everything seems gray.
We need to be aware of our malaise and do something physical, move our body. I often suggest going for a walk, riding a bicycle, taking a Tai Chi, yoga or Pilates class. All are good for us. However, I want to suggest something more. With the isolation over the past two plus years, we need to make an effort to get out and be with people, Have a meal with others, go to the zoo, meet a friend for a walk by the lake. And work those face muscles and smile. Maybe laughter will come. Yes, laughter, we need more moments of laughter right now. Let’s bring our silly self to the surface and have some fun. It’s great for our body and great for our soul.
Thanks, Arlene!
I sure needed this reminder today,
Thanks , Arlene
Thank you Arlene. I love the invitation to be ‘silly’…how refreshing. I will get myself on a bike thanks to your suggestion. Again, thank you, Kim