What a wonderful and busy first month of my book launch – Walking on Pins and Needles: A Memoir of Chronic Resilience in the Face of Multiple Sclerosis! A great live event with Nadine Kenney Johnstone at Heartwood Center in Evanston, a warm evening gathering at Picnic Wine and Provisions in Rogers Park, radio and podcast interviews and broadcasts, many phone calls and emails from friends and readers I don’t know. Great feedback and I’m so touched that a consistent theme is “I loved it. It’s a page turner.”
The moment that stopped me, made me pause, smile and be joyful was a photo, a still photo that for me shows warm, great energy, childhood memories. My book is on the shelf at The Book Stall in Winnetka, Il.
It’s so exciting to see my book among so many other stories, alphabetically on a shelf. This is a dream come true! I look forward to someone contacting me after they have walked into The Book Stall, browsed, savored the possibilities of great stories in the aisles, and then purchased my book.
What an accomplishment! May your story bring hope to many.
Thanks, Irene!