Is your mind swirling with a to-do list that keeps getting longer and longer? Are you fearful about the current climate of we vs. they and where it might lead? Is AI going to make you obsolete? Do you reach the end of the day and ask yourself “What have I accomplished?” and don’t like your answer.
Do you feel like this —
but would like to feel like this ^
First . . . Breathe. Stop whatever you’re doing and take 30 seconds to breathe. Inhale. . . Exhale. . . Again, inhale, then exhale. Inhale . . . Exhale. One more time. Inhale. . .Exhale.
It’s summer so take a walk outside. Wander through a farmers market. Attend a free outdoor concert.
To relax your mind and body you have to let go of what you’re already doing or thinking about. When you walk, focus on how it feels to put one foot forward, shift your weight to it. How marvelous that one leg can manage the weight of our entire body! How marvelous it is to be able to walk!

Tai Chi is a wonderful practice to help us relax and let go. We learn to let go of what is spinning in our heads, focus our bodies and minds on gentle, flowing movements. We are like the trees rooted into the earth, connected with nourishing energy that flows up through our bodies. Being in the moment. Letting go.