In my two decades in corporate human resources management, we dealt with swirling change, every day and much of it was unpredictable. Working for a major airline always presented each day in flux. Many of us deal with fast changes, putting out fires every day and find it hard to carve out time for the planning and visioning needed to grow and be vital for the long-term. Technology has accelerated the pace of change, on a day-to-day basis for trying to keep up with reading all the email reports, meetings, texts, voice mails and on and on. The TV screens run a scroll at the bottom so we don’t miss a second of news. It’s rare to find a restaurant these days that doesn’t have flat screen TVs hoisted up so the visual images fly into our view whether we want them to or not.
All this technological change permeates our personal lives, affecting how we communicate with our family members and friends. Face-to-face communication has decreased. We have to intentionally plan time to talk, play and socialize in person. And that can be challenging with all the demands we have on our time.
Change is always with us, whether it is fast or slow. The seasons change with predictability. The hours of sunshine lessen as late summer moves into fall. We age and wonder, where did the time go? We try to slow down change with skin creams, botox and plastic surgery.
Sometimes all this change makes us feel like we don’t have control over anything. We can’t grab control, so we just react to what’s happening around us. We keep doing the same things day after day and feel like we’re spinning. We are tired. We don’t know how to feel better, how to live more fully and enjoy.
One thought on where to start is to change just one thing when you get up tomorrow morning. Change your routine. Make your bed before you brush your teeth. Eat breakfast before you shower. Do ten minutes of exercise before checking your emails. Or wait an hour before you check anything on your phone or computer. Look out the window at the sky and trees and be grateful for the day that’s about to begin.