Do you know how impactful those two words are? How significant they can be in your life? Showing Up.
During Tai Chi class this week I thanked my students for showing up. Some quizzical faces, with raised eyebrows looked at me. A small pause, moment of silence. I had their attention. “Thanks for showing up. It is so great that you stopped doing what you were doing and made your way to Heartwood and now are standing in the Skylight Room ready to start class.
I added that it takes intention, motivation and sometimes grit to show up in class every week. We need to thank ourselves for our commitment and coming to class, even on days when we don’t want to. We all spontaneously clapped.
It is not unusual to hear a comment from a student that she debated coming because of a hectic day, running from here to there, being tired and wanting to just plop down on the sofa. “I want you to know, Arlene, that I thought about skipping class tonight. What got me here was knowing how much better I would feel. And I do. I feel so much more energy.”

Our minds are busy talking to us, at times working to keep us from the activity we know we know will be positive, make us feel better. It presents in various forms, from sitting down to write some pages for a book draft, taking the mile walk outside, going to the gym to lift weights, extending ourselves to go to a social event where we will not know anybody, developing a business plan for that business we have been wanting to start for years, going to Tai Chi or yoga class. Not just thinking about it, not just putting it on our to-do list. Actually physically showing up, ready to engage in the activity.

Think about it. What is it you have been thinking about, want to try, have some passion for that you have not acted on yet. What will it take for you to do it, show up? It feels so good. For you who are showing up, you have my admiration and applause.