We’re at that time of year where we mark the day when we have equal amounts of light and darkness and then the hours of darkness will increase and dominate until March. Equinox signifies balance and I visualize that balance in the two small circles of the yin/yang symbol.
The dark and light spaces symbolize energy moving, continuously and the space in circles represents “balance”. We see this symbol associated often with Tai Chi, because through the gentle moves of this ancient practice, we hope to increase our internal and external balance.
Our lives, following the patterns of the universe, include both dark and light aspects. We need to embrace the dark, contemplative, intuitive inward yin creativity as well as the more active, outward, physical yang. energy. This can be a challenge for those of us who want to accomplish, reach goals, keep active. Are you someone who’s little voice in your head continually tells you “so much to do, too little time?”

Visualize the clouds, the trees. They are an integral part of the rhythms of nature. We, too, can be part of nature’s rhythms, with attention and intention to working towards a balance of doing and being. What can you do, or stop doing to have more balance in your life?