Most of my October days have been traveling to Prague, Dresdem, Wittenberg and Eisenach, Germany and Switzerland. Cities, small towns, countryside were all part of the landscapes along the way. Right now I want to focus on Switzerland, the best air and life-force energy (Qi) I have ever experienced. The clear, clean air, beautiful blue skies, white snow-capped mountains and clear water all represent the best in feeling balanced, peaceful and still. I did not want to miss any of it and I reminded myself to pay attention and feel with all my senses the beauty and balance that surrounded us. Out on the green lawn of Chateau de Bossey, I slowly walked around, found a sturdy tree that appealed and started moving in the gentle flowing movements of Tai Chi. All seemed right with the world and with me. Silence, a few small birds in my sight and that was it. I was right where I was supposed to be.

The ancient Taoists talked about “returning to mountain”, a basic principle of Tai Chi. Those teachers took their students to the mountains to get away from daily life, to clear their heads. Even to this day, the mountains call us, to be still, to empty out our busy minds and just be. Learn to “just be” take in the Qi and be in awe.