Meditation Sampler at Hip Circle Studio
709 Washington St., Evanston
Tai Chi, Focusing, Mindfulness, Yoga Nidra: Four ways to meditate, four wonderful practitioners, 4 weeks to explore meditation and find a flavor that works for you! Join us for the full series or pick and choose among the sessions and find some peace as you start 2014. No previous meditation experience required. $80 for the 4-week series, $25 per session drop-in (space permitting).
Week 1, January 12: Tai Chi with Arlene: Tai Chi is an ancient Chinese practice of slow, flowing movements that reduces stress and promotes proper breathing, relaxation and balance.
In this class you will experience how continual movement of your body in focused ways can create stillness and well-being within. Tai Chi is often called “meditation in motion”.
About Arlene:
Through personal example and experience, Arlene Faulk inspires people to embrace change through Tai Chi. She completely re-learned to walk through Tai Chi. Arlene has been teaching Tai Chi for 14 years in Evanston and Chicago.
Sun Date: Jan 12, 2014 From: 5:30 PM – 6:45 PM
To register, go to
Sunday, February 2, 2014
3:00 – 5:00 p.m. Heartwood Center Classroom
Join the fun and celebration of 2014 Chinese New Year, Year of the Horse. You will enjoy Tai Chi demonstrations and also participate in learning some Tai Chi moves yourself!
Arlene Faulk will give a presentation on the history of Tai Chi and major influences of Taoism, the 5-element and yin/yang theory on its development. It will be a colorful journey of Tai Chi through Arlene’s travels and Tai Chi study in China.