Year 4712 begins today — Happy Chinese New Year, the Year of the Horse!
This is the longest and most important celebration in the Chinese calendar, with 15 days of observance and celebration. “Red” is everywhere, in lanterns, clothes, paper and ‘lucky money’ in red envelopes. Red symbolizes fire, which according to legend can drive away bad luck.
The new year is based on the lunar calendar and is often called the “Lunar New Year” rather than Chinese New Year. In fact, it’s regularly celebrated in a number of Asian countries as a “Spring Festival.” It’s held each year between January 21 and February 20.
Twelve animals appear in the Chinese zodiac and each is celebrated every twelve years. The Horse is intelligent, fast and likes to compete.They pursue freedom, leadership and have lots of passion. The Horse is quick-witted and a hard worker. But they are also known for suddenly losing interest in something.
If your sign is a Horse, it’s your year!! It’s a fun celebration for all so take notice, check out your year and recognize your friends and family whose year we are celebrating.
Enjoy the bright red of this holiday, the dragon dances and all the good food!