I tried to use my creative cognitive skills to come up with a catchy title, but decided to just name what I want to write about. Cognitive skills are skills of the mind. Most of us want to keep our minds sharp and healthy and h may have some concerns about losing sharpness of thought, of reaction, of figuring things out as we grow older. We do crossword puzzles, sudokus, play bridge. And some of us engage with Tai Chi

A few weeks ago I turned the car radio on as I drove home from class. To my surprise the conversation was about Tai Chi. My ears perked up. It was a PBS station but still, Tai Chi is not a common subject on the radio. The subject was a research study that had recently been completed which concluded that Tai Chi can be beneficial for cognitive functioning. Much research has been conducted on the benefits of Ta Chi for balance, relaxation, some chronic conditions, etc. and those continue. This study focused on cognitive functioning and suggested that with Tai Chi the mind is engaged in memorizing specific moves and then using our bodies to actually do the moves.

Mind – Body connection. Engaging both. Being in the moment. Tai Chi helps us do that.
Read about the study:
And if you want to start the new year off on a positive note, join a Tai Chi class.
Thanks Arlene! Of course I already love Tai Chi for so many reasons but this article presents another good reason to practice Tai Chi. I will definitely share this with my friends.
Thanks, Terri!